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SEALS 2024 Elections

The Steering Committee will elect three board members at the 2024 Annual Meeting. Two rules apply to all positions: (1) only faculty members from institutional member schools are eligible to serve; and (2) two faculty members from the same school cannot be elected to serve on the board simultaneously. The available positions appear below.

  1. Vice-President/President Elect to serve in that position during 2024-2025, serve as President in 2025–2026, and serve as Past President in 2026–2027. A third rule applies to this position: the nominee must be a faculty member (including retired or emeritus faculty) at a member school located in Arkansas or Missouri.
  2. Secretary to serve in that position from the end of the 2024 annual meeting through the end of the 2027 annual meeting.
  3. At-Large Board member to serve in that position from the end of the 2024 annual meeting through the end of the 2027 annual meeting.

Officers other than the President are eligible to run for re-election. At-Large Board members who serve three-year terms are ineligible to run for immediate re-election but are eligible to run for other positions.

The terms of six board members do not end in 2024: Susan Kuo (South Carolina) (continues as president); Lou Virelli (Stetson) (continues as past president); Russell Weaver (University of Louisville); Tom Metzloff (Duke); Lucas Osborn (Campbell University); and Robert Ahdieh (Texas A&M). We cannot accept a nomination for another faculty member from any of those six schools.

The terms of three board members end in 2024: Ronald Krotoszynski (University of Alabama); Charles (Rocky) Rhodes (South Texas College of Law Houston); and A. Benjamin Spencer (William and Mary). We can accept a nomination for another faculty member from those schools.

Please submit nominations to Rocky Rhodes at Faculty members can nominate themselves or another person. If you nominate another person, please cc the nominee so Rocky knows you have ascertained his or her willingness to serve.

Nominations close on June 21, 2024.