Mission Statement
The purpose of this committee is to advertise openings for SEALS’ at-large Board positions, as well as the position of President-Elect, and to solicit nominations. The committee will also advertise openings for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Director, and shall actively solicit nominations when there are vacancies in any of these positions. The primary purpose of the committee is to ensure that the membership is aware that SEALS has an open and democratic process for electing Board members, as well as all officers (President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Director)and that any eligible person is free to nominate him/herself, or to nominate any other eligible person. While the nominating committee may forward nominations to SEALS’ Secretary, it should make clear to all concerned that neither SEALS’ Board of Trustees nor the Nominating Committee endorses any particular nominee, and that the selection of Board members and officers is determined by a vote of SEALS’ Steering Committee. The nominating committee will also advertise and seek out nominees for SEALS’ committees. The Committee shall make the Executive Director aware of potential nominees.
Committee Members
- Ron Rychlak (Mississippi) (Chair) rrychlak@olemiss.edu
- David Brennan (Kentucky)
- Margaret Hu (Penn State)
- Rocky Rhodes (South Texas)
Annual Reports
2023 Annual Report
This committee was created during the 2020-2021 year for the purpose of advertising openings for SEALS Board positions and to solicit nominations for them and for SEALS committees. The primary purpose of the committee is to ensure that the membership is aware that SEALS has an open and democratic process for electing Board members and officers, and that any eligible person is free to nominate themselves or others. While this committee may forward nominations to the SEALS secretary, it will make clear that neither SEALS’s Board of Trustees nor the Nominating Committee endorses any particular nominee; all nominees are chosen solely by Steering Committee vote. As a new committee, we were relatively inactive this year, but we remain open for nominations.
2021 Annual Report
This committee was created during the 2020-2021 year, for the purpose of advertising openings for SEALS Board positions and to solicit nominations for both them and SEALS committees. The primary purpose of the committee is to ensure that the membership is aware that SEALS has an open and democratic process for electing Board members, as well as officers and that any eligible person is free to nominate themselves or to nominate others. While this committee may forward nominations to the SEALS secretary, it will make clear that neither SEALS’s Board of Trustees nor the Nominating Committee endorses any particular nominee; all nominees are chosen solely by Steering Committee vote.
The timing of the creation of this committee, combined with the COVID pandemic, resulted in the committee’s only beginning its work during the 2021-2022 year.